
Ongoing and future fundamental research on seL4 and trustworthy systems

While seL4 is mature enough to be deployed in the real world, there’s plenty of fundamental research work left on seL4 itself, and there is far more research left on how to achieve real-world trustworthy computer systems. More on both below, describing the Trustworthy Systems group's research agenda (as of May 2021), looking for further funding to tackle these challenges. This is largely extracted from this blog.

Work to do: seL4

The seL4 kernel is mature in many ways, good enough to be deployed in real-world systems. It is already in daily use in the real world, and is being designed into many more systems. But there is still more research to be done.

Right now, seL4 solves a number of fundamental security problems, and it provides the best possible solution to these problems. In particular, it provides the strongest possible spatial isolation, in that it guarantees that memory cannot be accessed without explicit authorisation. It also provides strictly controlled communication between subsystems, in that two subsystems (provably) cannot communicate through system calls or memory unless explicitly authorised. And it does this with unbeaten performance. This is more than any other real-world OS can give you.

What seL4 cannot (yet) do, and no other OS can either, is to provide temporal isolation guarantees. This comes in two guises, the integrity and the confidentiality aspect.

Here, integrity means the ability to guarantee timeliness of real-time systems, especially mixed-criticality systems (MCS), where critical, high-assurance real-time tasks operate concurrently to untrusted code. seL4’s new MCS model provides temporal integrity to a significant class of MCS, and its verification is on-going. However, it does not yet fully solve the problem. Specifically, we found that there are important use cases for which the present MCS model is not sufficient. On-going research is addressing this, leading to further improvements of the model.

Furthermore, we have not yet developed the formal framework for reasoning about timing guarantees on top of the MCS model. This is, of course, what is needed for making high-assurance MCS a reality, and is a significant research challenge, which is presently unfunded. Again, while we’re ahead of any other system, the world’s emerging cyberphysical systems need more.

Much more work remains on the confidentiality side: Here the problem is to guarantee that there is no information leakage through covert timing channels; this kind of leakage is a serious real-world problem, as demonstrated in the Spectre attacks. Timing channels have long been put into the too-hard basket by most people. Triggered by Spectre there is now a flurry of activity, but most are band-aid solutions addressing symptoms. In contrast, we are working on a principled, fundamental approach to a complete prevention of timing channels. We call this approach time protection, in analogy to the established memory protection. The feedback from the research community has been strong: the work has already won three best-paper awards, yet we are only at the beginning of this line of work.

Specifically we have designed some basic OS mechanisms for providing time protection, and have shown that they can be effective on the right hardware, but also that contemporary hardware is deficient. Presently, with support by the Australian Research Council and the US Air Force, we are working on proving that these mechanisms are effective on suitable hardware. This work has progressed well and needs further funding.

We are also working with the RISC-V community on defining appropriate hardware support to allow time protection to do its job. But much more research is needed on the OS side, as so far we have some basic mechanisms, that work in very restricted use cases. It’s far from having an OS model that addresses the large class of systems where timing channels are a security threat. This work is presently unfunded.

And finally, we have not yet solved the problem of verifying seL4 for multicore platforms. While there exist kernels with a multicore verification story, these kernels have performance that makes them unsuitable for real-world use. Thanks to our past research we now understand how to verify multicore seL4, but we need funding to do it.

Work to do: Scaling trustworthiness to full systems

Beyond seL4, there’s the wider Trustworthy Systems agenda: creating a societal shift towards mainstream adoption of software verification. We have made some progress here, with verification uptake increasing in academia and industry, but it’s far from mainstream.

To enable this shift, the team has more concrete research goals. These include:

  • Lower-cost approaches for verifying the non-kernel parts of the trusted computing base, such as device drivers, file and network services, but also the actual applications. So far, verified software is still more expensive to produce than the usual buggy stuff (although life-cycle cost is probably already competitive). Trustworthy Systems’ declared aim is to produce verified software at a cost that’s at par with traditionally engineered software;
  • Proofs of high-level security properties of a complete system (as opposed to “just” the underlying microkernel);
  • Proofs of timeliness of a complete real-time system built on seL4;
  • Design of a general-purpose operating system that is as broadly applicable as Linux, but where it is possible to prove security enforcement.

These are all research challenges that remain unsolved, are of high importance for the security and safety of real-world systems and which the Trustworthy Systems group is in a prime position to address. We have the track record and credibility to deliver, and need funding to do it.