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seL4 Summit 2024

Sydney, Australia

15-17 October 2024

All summits: 2022 2023 2024

Important Dates:

  • Abstracts due: 22 April 2024 29 April 2024
  • Notification of decisions: 7 June 2024
  • Early bird cut-off: 15 September 2024
  • Summit: 15-17 October 2024


The seL4 Summit is the annual international summit on the seL4 microkernel, the world's most highly assured OS kernel, as well as on all seL4-related technology, tools, infrastructure, products, projects, and people.

It aims to gather all the seL4 community to learn, share, and connect:

  • learn about the seL4 technology, its latest progress, use, successes, challenges, plans;
  • share exciting seL4 development, research, experience, application in the real world;
  • connect with other seL4 developers, users, providers, customers, supporters, potential partners and enthusiasts.

The seL4 Summit is organised by the seL4 Foundation, aiming for a location on a different continent each year, to the extent possible.

An open call for presentations invites submissions of short abstracts about cool work on seL4, and a Program Committee made of a wide range of representatives of the seL4 community is in charge of the technical content (reviewing submission, selecting invited speakers, defining the program).


The seL4 summit will cover the complete seL4 ecosystem, consisting of the verified microkernel, as well as all seL4-related technology, tools, infrastructure, products, projects, and people.

Tickets include:

  • Participation in the 3-day conference, including talks, keynotes, seL4 updates & discussions
  • Networking with other seL4 experts and enthusiasts
  • Reception and dinner

Register here

The early bird cut-off date is 15 September 2024.

Local seL4 Sydney-siders will look into organising some informal activities for Monday 14 October 2024, before the summit kicks off, for anyone who wants to join. Gernot may also organise a bush walk for the weekend before the summit. Stayed tuned for more info!

Location & Venue

The seL4 Summit 2024 will be held in Sydney, Australia in 15-17 October 2024 at Holiday Inn Sydney Potts Point.

Further information about location, venue and travel is available on the Linux Foundation registration site.


Check out the preliminary summit Program for our list of speakers and presentations. Abstracts to follow. Stay tuned!

Submissions and Call for Presentations

Share your seL4 work, experience and thoughts at the seL4 summit 2024 in Sydney by submitting a presentation proposal by 22 April 2024 29 April 2024. Find all the submission information in the Call for Presentations.

Keynote Speakers

Program Committee

Our awesome team comes from various parts of the seL4 ecosystem: users, contributors, committers, experts, advocates, researchers, and engineers.


We are grateful to the following sponsors for their financial support of the seL4 summit 2024.

See here if you are interested in sponsoring the seL4 summit 2024.


For any questions regarding the summit, please contact