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seL4 Summit 2023

Minneapolis, USA

19 - 21 September 2023

All summits: 2022 2023 2024 2025


The seL4 Summit is the annual international summit on the seL4 microkernel, the world's most highly assured OS kernel, as well as on all seL4-related technology, tools, infrastructure, products, projects, and people.

It aims to gather all the seL4 community to learn, share, and connect:

  • learn about the seL4 technology, its latest progress, use, successes, challenges, plans;
  • share exciting seL4 development, research, experience, application in the real world;
  • connect with other seL4 developers, users, providers, customers, supporters, potential partners and enthusiasts.

The seL4 Summit is organised by the seL4 Foundation, in a location aimed to be on a different continent each year, as far as possible.

An open call for presentations invites submissions of short abstracts about cool work on seL4, and a Program Committee made of a wide range of representatives of the seL4 community is in charge of the technical content (reviewing submission, selecting invited speakers, defining the program).

Location & Venue

The seL4 Summit 2023 was held in Minneapolis, USA, 19 - 21 September 2023, at the Elliot Park Hotel. The summit was organised by the Linux Foundation.

Keynote Speakers


We were very fortunate to welcome five industry leaders to participate at the seL4 Summit 2023, in a session OS on seL4: so many options!. Gapfruit, Kry10, Magnetite (MIT), and UNSW presented their views on the priorities and vision for their OS on seL4. The panel was moderated by Todd Carpenter from Galois.

Sid Hussmann
Sid Hussmann
Kent McLeod
Kent McLeod
Juliana Furgala
Juliana Furgala
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Gernot Heiser
Gernot Heiser
Trustworthy Systems UNSW
Todd Carpenter
Todd Carpenter, Moderator

Program, Abstracts, Slides and Videos

Videos of the seL4 summit 2023 are available on the seL4 YouTube channel! Links and slides can be found on the summit Program and Abstracts pages. Thanks to all the speakers for making the seL4 summit 2023 a great success!

Program committee

Our awesome team comes from various parts of the seL4 ecosystem: users, contributors, committers, experts, advocates, researchers, and engineers.

Perry Alexander
U of Kansas
June Andronick
Todd Carpenter
Galois Inc
Axel Heider
Hensoldt Cyber
Nick Spinale
Colias Group
Robbie VanVossen


We are grateful to the following sponsors for their financial support of the seL4 summit 2023.


For any questions regarding the summit, please contact