The Governing Board of the seL4 Foundation consists of:
The Governing Board meetings are normally held in private, i.e. attended by Governing Board Representatives only, although the Governing Board may invite others to participate. However, the Governing Board meeting minutes are publicly accessible.
Gernot is the Founder of the Trustworthy Systems Research Group (TS), which created seL4. He is Scientia Professor and John Lions Chair of Operating Systems at UNSW Sydney, where he has been teaching operating systems and leading research on L4 microkernels for more than 25 years. Besides that, his focus is on transferring TS technology to the real world. He was the founder and CTO of Open Kernel Labs and is presently serving as Chief Scientist (Software) at HENSOLDT Cyber. Gernot holds a PhD from ETH Zurich and is a Fellow of the ACM, the IEEE and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE). Jointly with June and Gerwin he won the ACM SIGOPS Hall-of-Fame award in 2019.
June is a former leader of the TS group and was a core contributor to seL4's verification story, as well as verification work on the eChronos RTOS. She holds a PhD from Paris-Saclay University. In 2011 she was recognised by MIT Tech Review as a Top Innovator under 35. She is a conjoint professor at UNSW Sydney.
Dr. David Hardin is an Associate Director, Systems Engineering at Collins Aerospace. Dr. Hardin has significant experience in the design and verification of high-assurance hardware, software, and systems, and is editor of the book Design and Verification of Microprocessor Systems for High-Assurance Applications. Dr. Hardin earned BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Kentucky, and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Kansas State University. He is a proud native of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and is a Kentucky Colonel.
Gerwin lead the verification of seL4. He spends much of his time deep in the proofs about seL4 and contributes to other verification research in TS. He holds a PhD from TU Munich and led the original seL4 verification, which won the MIT-TR10 award for the top 10 emerging technologies in 2011, as well as the SIGOPS Hall-of-Fame award in 2019. He is a conjoint professor at UNSW Sydney.
Matthew is the representative of Premium Member Jump Trading, where he specializes on measurement and optimization of high-performance and low-latency network systems. He holds a doctorate in computer science from the University of Cambridge where his research work focused on techniques for managing and mitigating latency variance in hyper-scale datacenter networks. He is also a former member of the Trustworthy Systems research group. For his honors project, Matt worked on capability allocation/deallocation techniques using the seL4 capability system. Matthew maintains a strong interest in facilitating and performing research, particularly in the areas of high-performance, and high-assurance systems.
Qiyan is the representative of Premium Member NIO, where he leads a global R&D team responsible for Vehicle Operating System, Connected Vehicle Cloud, Vehicle Digital Architecture, Cyber Security, and Vehicle Software Integration and Validation. Prior to NIO, he worked as Principal Scientist at Symantec and Exabeam. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with research focus on Distributed Systems and Cyber Security.
The compliance committee proposes rules and licensing conditions for the seL4 trademark, and drives the Interim Endorsement scheme for seL4-based products and services.
Its present members are:
The Outreach Committee is in charge of expanding the membership. It develops material for supporting membership recruitment. Members of the committee will work closely with existing members to make best use of their networks for strategic recruitment of members. The Outreach Committee may co-opt member representatives.
Its present members are:
The Marketing Committee is responsible for the external presentation of the Foundation. This includes the look-and-feel of the web site and presentation materials and other branding issues, social media presence and other media liaison.
Its present members are: