Check the full Call For Presentations. To propose a talk, upload an abstract of one page or less by 21 April 2025 to the submission portal.
Also note the open invitation for a 5-minute slot to talk about your seL4 deployment.
We are pleased to announce that the seL4 Summit 2025 will be held in
Prague, Czech Republic, 3 - 5 September 2025.
Meet the Program Committee
Our team comes from various parts of the seL4 ecosystem: users, contributors, committers, experts, advocates, researchers, and engineers.
We will announce a Call for Presentations in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
The seL4 Foundation is pleased to welcome Germany’s Cyberagentur as Associate Member, coinciding with the launch of five projects in its research program on an “Ecosystem of formally verified IT – provable cybersecurity (EvIT)”. Two of the projects include work enhancing seL4. The Cyberagentur is joining the seL4 Foundation to underline the importance of this approach for making both highly complex IT systems and critical infrastructures more secure and to attract further supporters. The Cyberagentur funds cybersecurity research projects with a high risk and a very high potential of disruption.