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Services endorsed by the Foundation

seL4 is an attractive platform for building highly resilient systems, but to do so requires a fair degree of understanding of the technology. Fortunately, help is available from a growing number of community members offering consulting and development services around seL4.

Below are the seL4 Service Providers that are endorsed by the seL4 Foundation

If you are a member and would like to be endorsed, you can find more information on the endorsement scheme. If you are not a member yet, you can join the seL4 Foundation.

Endorsed Service Providers

DornerWorks Ltd DornerWorks Ltd
Innovative companies are building products on a trusted software base with the guidance of DornerWorks engineers. As a founding member of the seL4 Foundation, DornerWorks can accelerate the integration of seL4 as the trusted software base for your products.

DornerWorks Ltd is an Endorsed Services Provider for:
  • systems: kernel platform port
  • systems: user-level OS (VM)
  • systems: application
Further details available on services and seL4 Microkernel Engineering Services.
Cog Systems Inc Cog Systems Inc
As the leading integrator of type-1 visualization solutions based on seL4, Cog leverages modularity to isolate critical functions and services on connected devices. All of this is available for the IoT market with the flexibility to run all applications effectively and securely.

Cog Systems Inc is an Endorsed Service Provider for:
  • systems: user-level OS (VM)
  • systems: applications
See services or visit Cog for further information.
UNSW Sydney UNSW Sydney
The Trustworthy Systems (TS) team is the creator of seL4 and the seL4 Foundation, and for a long time was the sole source of support. With the seL4 Foundation now in place, and at its new home at UNSW, TS is now focusing on seL4-related research and driving development, leaving engineering mostly to other ecosystem players. However, TS is happy to take on research and consultancy contracts, as well as providing engineering (systems and verification) services when no commercial player is available.

Trustworthy Systems specialises is an Endorsed Service proider for:
  • systems: kernel
  • systems: kernel platform port
  • systems: user-level OS
  • verification: user-level OS (seL4CP)
For more information, see services, Trustworthy Systems and UNSW.
Proofcraft Proofcraft Pty Ltd
Formal verification is what makes seL4 unique. With increasing uptake and adoption, seL4 is evolving, supporting more platforms, architectures, configurations, and features. An increasing number of high assurance systems are built with seL4 as a trustworthy foundation. As seL4 code evolves, so must its formal proofs. As more systems are built on seL4, there is an increased need to ensure correct configuration and initialisation, and correctness of critical components. Proofcraft is here to help. Founded by the seL4 verification leaders, it offers commercial support, verification projects, training and consulting on formal verification in general, and involving seL4 specifically. By applying mathematical machine-checked software verification, Proofcraft increases critical software systems' reliability, safety and security, for a verified future.

Proofcraft is a Trusted Service Provider for:
  • systems: kernel
  • systems: kernel platform port
  • verification: kernel
  • verification: user-level OS
  • verification: applications
For further information, visit Proofcraft or email
Kry10 Kry10 Limited
Kry10 offers support to enable seL4-based secure projects to be affordable, maintainable, and remotely manageable. Kry10 offers a full-featured operating system on top of the seL4 kernel, along with tooling, services, key management and more. The Kry10 Platform is a fast and easy way to build highly secure, next-generation cyber-physical devices. We leverage the verification of seL4 to bring you a secure, self-healing, truly dynamic system with minimal downtime, even during upgrades. Whether you are working on national assets, vehicles or sensors on a wall, you require deep confidence and easy to use tools. Come talk to us.

Kry10 is an Endorsed Service Provider for:
  • systems: kernel
  • systems: kernel platform port
  • systems: user-level OS (Kry10 OS, CAmkES)
  • systems: applications
  • verification: kernel
  • verification: user-level OS
  • verification: applications
For further information, visit Kry10 or contact us.